Acupuncture for Structural and Movement Assessment
Pain and sickness is deeply intertwined with structural and movement dysfunction. Because it is a complex, subjective phenomenon, defining pain can be a challenge. It is and unpleasant sensory and emotional experience that is often associated with actual or potential tissue damage. My methods for treating all musculoskeletal pain and internal disease is to look at the structural deficiencies and movement patterns that lead us to develop stress in our bodies. Your knee hurts? Sometimes it’s because of how you engage your low back and hips. Your digestion is poor? I will always look at the structural shape of your mid back and ribcage.
I employ an examination modality I call Structural and Movement Assessment (SAMA) to diagnose the core structural dysfunctional cause of acute or chronic illness, and to properly address the factors that cause both internal and musculo-skeletal disease. This sometimes has me choosing regions opposite of the affected area – patients often ask “why are you needling my foot when it’s my wrist that hurts?” I often employ Tung Acupuncture to deliver quicker and lasting resolution. I then will use Tui Na (medical massage) and Sotai (muscular or movement therapy) techniques to help release the structural block in the local region.
I work with you so that together, we can get to the root of your ailments and get you feeling like yourself again.